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Man from the South

In the story, “Man from the South,” a soldier who was training to be in the U.S Navy was betting the destiny of his pinky finger based on a cigarette lighter.  If he loses the bet, and loses his pinky finger, he would most certainly have routine changes that would affect his occupations. Along with losing his pinky finger, he would also lose 50% of his grip strength. If he lost his dominant pinky hand then firing a firearm would be more difficult than if he lost on non-dominant hand however both affecting stabilizing the firearm thus creating poor accuracy. Soldiers have PT which usually involve pull-ups etc. this grip would be significantly affected. With the help of an occupational therapist to modify the handling of a firearm, a sling to help hold the gun in place and have better aim. If the wife would lose grip power for instance holding a vacuum handle, and other various household chores. 


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