Importance in finding bony landmarks when measuring ROM:
- when measuring ROM you need a stabilized landmark to begin taking your measurement.
- bony landmarks are needed to align a goniometer
- important to get the most accurate measurement you possibly can, so you can measure your clients progress throughout their therapeutic journey.
- needed to located bony segments that need to be stabilized when testing
- used as reference points when measuring circumference

Test position for MMT:
The purpose for the position when you're performing a MMT on a client is to get the most accurate readings. This determines effort by the patients and the strength of the patient
The BREAK Test is an example of a test, which is the most common test used, The Break Test is when the the muscle/ joint is placed in optimal position for contraction. This determining maximal effort, while the examiner gradually builds resistance. This is most common for evaluating individuals with physical disabilities.
Gravity eliminated position
is when the joints are moving parallel to the ground causing resistance of gravity to be eliminated for the test movement. The force of gravity is perpendicular to the floor and the movement of the imp is parallel to the floor.Example- hip internal and external rotation while in the anatomical position.
What is the relevance of the gravity eliminated position
1) The MMT will change depending on if the body is in a gravity eliminated position or not.
2) When a patient muscles are too weak to move on their own.
3) The effects of gravity are lessened in this position
4) Less painful for the patient when measuring ROM for those experiencing pain.
5) Distinguishing of MMT grades.
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